Os anos 90 foram uma década que marcou a cultura e a música na história. Uma das bandas que se destacou nessa época foi o Crash Test Dummies, que lançou em 1993 a canção Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, que se tornou um sucesso mundial.

A música, que tem um ritmo lento e melancólico, conta a história de três crianças que passam por situações difíceis e que, por isso, se tornam excluídas pela sociedade. A letra diz:

Once there was this kid who Took a trip to Singapore And brought along his spray paint And when he finally came back He had cane marks all over his bottom He said that it was from when The warden whacked it so hard

Outra parte da canção fala sobre uma menina que sofre bullying por causa do tamanho da sua orelha:

Once there was this girl who Wouldn't go and change With the girls in the change room And when they finally made her They saw birthmarks all over her body She couldn't quite explain it They'd always just been there

E ainda há uma terceira história, que fala sobre um garoto que é adotado e perde a sua identidade:

Once there was this kid who Got into an accident and couldn't come to school But when he finally came back His hair had turned from black into bright white He said that it was from when The cars had smashed him so hard

A música é um retrato da realidade de muitas crianças e adolescentes que sofrem com o bullying, a discriminação e outros problemas sociais. Porém, a letra também traz uma mensagem de superação e de que é possível mudar a sua realidade, como na parte que diz:

And in the midst of all this muckiness

They can smile, yes, yes

At the thought of food for which

They can gobble down in bliss

'Cause nothing is as bad as it seems

A música Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm do Crash Test Dummies tem um significado profundo e emocionante, que toca o coração de muitas pessoas até hoje. E se você quer aprender a tocar essa canção, confira a tab e a letra abaixo:

[Intro] Em7 A Em7 A

[Verse 1]

Em7 A

Once there was this kid who


Got into an accident and couldn't come to school

Em7 A

But when he finally came back


His hair had turned from black into bright white

Em7 A

He said that it was from when


The cars had smashed him so hard


Em7 A

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm


Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

[Verse 2]

Em7 A

Once there was this girl who


Wouldn't go and change with the girls in the change room

Em7 A

But when they finally made her


They saw birthmarks all over her body

Em7 A

She couldn't quite explain it


They'd always just been there


Em7 A

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm


Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

[Verse 3]

Em7 A

But both girl and boy were glad


'Cause one kid had it worse than that

Em7 A

'Cause then there was this boy whose


Parents made him come directly home right after school

Em7 A

And when they went to their church


They shook and lurched all over the church floor

Em7 A

'Cause we had always been such good friends


But then on that day, it came to an end


Em7 A

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm


Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

Essa é a tab completa da música Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm do Crash Test Dummies. Aprenda a tocá-la e se emocione com a história e a mensagem por trás dessa canção tão marcante para a música dos anos 90.